Monday, September 13, 2010

Current Event #1

Mosque at Ground Zero

In my personal opinion, I honestly don't care if they build a Mosque near Ground Zero. It's not going to effect me in any way. I have nothing against Muslims, they never did anything to me. But I think that it's kind of hypocritical of this nation to be against building this Mosque. Wasn't this nation founded on the idea that people would have the freedom of speech? The freedom to believe what you want? The freedom to follow the religion of your choosing? Not building this mosque denys their right to freedom of religion. The rights of people aren't selective or don't just work when it's convenient to you or other people. It applies to everyone, including Muslims. And believe it or not, not all Muslims are terrorists. I happen to be friends with a few people who are Muslim. They're probably some of the nicest people I know. The rights of people don't just apply when it's convenient for you, it applies 24/7.

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